POSITION: Trail Worker

FUNCTION OF JOB: Trail development through the building and maintenance of trails related to the National Coast Trail.

SUPERVISION: You report and are responsible to the Trail Crew Leader.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Trail development work involving activities related to trail work including, but not limited to, erosion control, trimming vegetation, trail analysis, materials transport, and the proper and safe use of tools, materials, and other equipment.

          1. Ability to work effectively with others.
          2. Good health, strength, and endurance for outdoor physical labor.
          3. Willingness to learn and review by participating in the training necessary to do
              proper trail work, and to always perform activities and use tools both properly
              and safely.

          1. Healthy outdoor exercise.
          2. Opportunity to meet other volunteers.
          3. Trail development experience potentially useful for seeking employment. Reference.

TIME COMMITMENT: Flexible and project specific with your choice of from 1 day and up to 1 year, and renewable.

ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES:  After acquiring the knowledge and skills of basic trail maintenance through proper training and directly assisting a Trail Crew Leader on a specific field project, then with the necessary communication skills and the approval of the volunteer coordinator, you will be qualified to serve in the capacity of a trail crew leader on similar trail development projects.

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